Monday, April 28, 2014

Initial Thoughts on Emmaus

Read the text here.

“Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have declared! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and then enter into his glory?"

On Saturday I had the privilege of running in my first half marathon. It was a blast and if you are in the least bit inclined to enjoy running and have not run in a big event like the Nashville half marathon, I highly recommend it. The fans, the support, the other runners, the after party, and the organization of that event was awesome! While I have been sore after races in the past, most notably the first time I ran really fast in track, what I forgot about running really fast is that afterward I pay for it. Yesterday and today I have been walking around like a ninety year old with achy muscles and creaking joints. To go so fast on Saturday means that I go so slowly today.

The ones who walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus were foolish and slow of heart, and Jesus lets them know that they are missing the point. Yet, even when he points out that they are foolish and slow of heart, they do not recognize the Risen Lord walking with them and opening the Scripture to them. I have to stand up for these disciples who do not get it though. Sometimes when so much has happened, like when these disciples spent the last few days in fear of their lives, like when these disciples were running away from the religious and political leaders who killed Jesus, like when these disciples were mourning the loss of their faithful leader, we can be slow to move.

Our society moves at a pace that is ridiculously quick. We want everything and we want it right now! Jesus wanted his disciples to believe in the words of the prophets, but they have been spinning the wheels of their hearts too much to understand that the Risen Lord is among them. When we rush through life at a ridiculous pace our hearts often do not have time to keep up, so they become bogged down and we turn into fools.

The good news is that Jesus walks with us still, that he makes himself known to us in other ways, and that in God foolishness becomes wise. In this fast paced life, take time to slow down, to walk with Jesus, to listen to his words, so that your hearts might be quick to believe in the Risen Lord.

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