Sunday, October 6, 2013

Luke 17:5-10: Choosing the Miraculous

This Sunday's sermon can be heard by clicking here or by going to the following address:

The notes for the sermon are found below:
Pep Talk
-I thought that I wanted to be a coach
-They had an ability to cut through whatever was going on and inspire me to do something more -Sometimes this was not always done in a pleasant manner

In Today's Gospel Jesus does the same, Jesus is giving a fiery inspirational speech -he is not talking with Pharisees, Scribes, or even disciples... these are the apostles
-We only hear about them a handful of times in Luke's gospel, and each instance is important
-Earlier in Luke Jesus has sent them out to perform miracles in his name
-We might hear Jesus' words this morning as harsh, but he is talking with his closest followers (Jesus expects more of them)

Here they are asking to have their faith increased
-One would believe that if you are able to go out preaching and healing you have plenty of Faith, but...
-I can relate to how the apostles feel.
-Even when something miraculous happens in my life sometimes I yearn for my faith to increase.
-So how does Coach Jesus respond to this deficiency in faith?

He doesn't respond that they have enough faith already
-Jesus hints that IF they faith mustard seed they could tell a mulberry tree to throw itself into the sea
-Lectio Class: if one planted a mulberry tree in the sea, would it survive?
-While it is an interesting question...
-Jesus is in this bit about the mustard seed and mulberry tree, saying that faith is choosing to be open to something beyond our understanding.

The master-slave parable that follows helps to understand how we might choose this.

First, this parable possesses the word slave in it.
-as persons living in the US we have a host of images that pop up with this word -this is not what Jesus is taking about here
-this is not a condoning the practice of slavery, Jesus is using a controversial to help make his point about what Faith is.

Let me try to modernize Jesus' parable.
-If you were to call the cable company to come install a new service at your house
-And the cable installer came out to your house
-And after doing the work on the outside of the house, but before you had channels on your television, this person sat down at your kitchen table and asked, "why haven't you brought me a steak dinner yet?" Wouldn't you say to that person, get back to work?

So it is with our Faith.
-Our Faith is a choice that we continuously make.
-We do not get a ribbon every time we secure our responsibility of Faith.
(This is especially hard for me who grew up getting a trophy every time I participated in a sport).
-The Good News is we do not faith alone. (Yes I just used Faith as a verb)

In today's epistle Paul sincere begins his second letter to Timothy with a tender greeting
-Paul says that Timothy's faith was first kindled in his grandmother Lois, then in his mother Eunice and continues in him
-The fire of our Faith began in others too, and we have that Faith passed on to us!

Faith of family
-Camp Winnataska
-Babaw, Nangy, Mom, Elin and me, Emmeline -This shows me within my own life that Faith is contagious, it is a learned behavior, it is passed on from generation to generation.
-And yet...

We can ask Jesus to increase our Faith, I believe that to be an honest prayer.
-Yet Paul and Jesus are giving us pep talks
-They are encouraging us to choose to open up to God. We do this together!
-Look around to the persons next to you... they are your faith.
-Look around at your life... that is where faith happens.

-I believe we are called to choose God, to make the choice over and over again to follow Jesus. And while we might want rewards for doing what God calls us to do, that is not what it is about. Faith is about the size of a mustard seed, but it blooms into all sorts of miracles.

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